Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Semiotics of the Bone and Muscle system Lesions and the Care of the Affected Child

Medical Sonography - Semiotics of the Bone and Muscle system Lesions and the Care of the Affected Child
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Medical Sonography! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

This is someone else very important aspect of the curative estimation of a developing child. Coarse bone and Muscle ideas lesions comprise Conginetal dislocation of femur, Congenital Club foot and Osteomyelitis, which are major ailments of a child giving us calls for concern.

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How is Semiotics of the Bone and Muscle system Lesions and the Care of the Affected Child

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Conginetal dislocation of Femur(hip)

Malformations of the hip with discrete degrees of deformity are present at birth. Congenital displesia of the hip joint (acetabular displasia)- the mildest form, in which there is neither subluxation nor dislocation. The femoral head remains in the acetabulum.

In congenital hip subluxation, the femoral head loses caress with the acetabulum and is displaced posteriorly and superiorly over the fibrocartilaginous rim. The femoral head remains in caress with the acetabulum, but a stretched capsule and ligamentum teres causes the head of the femur to be partially displaced.

In dislocation, the femoral head loses caress with the acetabulum and is displaed posteriorly and superiorly over the fibro-cartilaginous rim.

Clinical symptom

1. Dislocated or subluxated hip

• Limitation in hip abduction

• Unequal gluteal or leg folds

• Unequal knee height (Allis or Geleazzi sign)

• Audible click on abduction (Ortolani sign)- If child is under 4 weeks of age.

2. In older children

• Affected leg is shorter than the other

• Telescoping or piston mobility of the joint (the ad of the femur can be felt to move up and down in the buttock when the extended thigh is pushed first toward the child's head and then pulled distally).

• Trendelenburg's sign (when the child stands first on one foot and then on the other, retention unto a chair or someone's hands) bearing weight on the affected hip, pelvis tilts downward on the general side instead of upward as it would with general stability

• Greater trochanter is important and appears above a line from the anterior superior iliac spine to the tuberosity of the ischium.

• Marked lordosis (bilateral dislocation)

• Wadding gait (bilateral dislocation)).

Paraclinic diagnostic procedures



Child caring plan

• improve the means of communication of the child

• Devise the self-mobilization equipment.

• If prescribed, supervise a allowable use of orthopedic splints or braces.

Congenital Clubfoot

It is a Coarse deformity in which the foot is twisted out from its general shape or position. It must be described according to position of ankle and foot;

• Talipes varus is an inversion or bending inward

• Talipes valgus is an eversion or bending outward

• Talipes equines is a plantar flexion, in which toes are lower than the heel

• Talipes calcaneus is a dorsiflexion, in which toes are higher than the heel

• Talipes equinovarus is a composite deformity, in which the foot is pointed downward and inward in varying degrees of severity.

It is important to rule if the deformity can be passively corrected or is fixed.


Osteomyelitis is an infection of the Bone.

Manifestations of acute Osteomyelitis

1. General

• History of the trauma of the affected bone (frequent)

• Child appears very ill

• Irritability

• Restlessness

• Elevated temperature

• Rapid pulse

• Dehydration

2. Local

• Tenderness

• Increased warmth

• Diffuse swelling over the involved bone

• involved extremity is painful, especially on movement

• involved extremity is held in semi-flexion

• Surrounding muscles are tense and resists to passive movement

Paraclinic diagnostic procedures

Radiography, tomography, scintigraphy, blood culture, Wbc (White blood count), erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

Child care plan

• To administer antibiotics as prescribed, wound care, to enounce asepsis.

• To cleanse the area as ordered, along with irrigation if prescribed

• To apply acceptable medication and dress wound according to instructions

• To enounce immobilization with positioning or devices such as casts, splints, traction

• To ensure a food diet.

• To enounce integrity and sterility of venous access.

Every one involved, parents, the curative practitioner, guardian and other stake holders are responsible for the care of such children. No one is left out and no stone should be left unturned.

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