Monday, May 28, 2012

Science and Technology - Definition by Real Life Examples

Medical Sonography - Science and Technology - Definition by Real Life Examples
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Do you know about - Science and Technology - Definition by Real Life Examples

Medical Sonography! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

How man could define what is Science and Technology?

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How is Science and Technology - Definition by Real Life Examples

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Medical Sonography.

Science is search for the profound knowledge. Scientists investigate the world colse to us. They inspect how things work and compose ideas about ways to make them work better. Sometimes they try to test an idea to by comparison how something works. Scientists perform experiments to find out how things work. The knowledge that they inspect is useful for many things. It can help to build new machines. It can help scientists to compose new medicines or cure a disease. Technology is the use of scientific knowledge to originate new things.

Then what is an Inventor?

An originator is a man who creates a new idea or gismo to perform a task. An invention is the new technology created. An originator with a new idea or compose for an invention may settle to have the idea protected. The idea gets security from the law in a paper called a patent. A patent prevents other population from making, using, or selling the new idea without permission from the inventor. Some inventions are naturally a best way of doing or building something. They may improve an existing technology. Other inventions are much more complicated.

Today's technology has been in the process of amelioration for thousands of years. New inventions are permanently changing how population work and play. They turn how population think and live. The time to come permanently brings us even more changes. This will happen as we continue to learn about the world.

Do we depend on science and technology?

What did you do today? Did you talk on the telephone? Did you ride in a car or on a bus? Did you use a computer or turn on a light? If you did any of these things, you used technology.

Almost everyone uses some form of technology at work, home, or school. Computer programmers use computer technology to write a computer program. population may write letters using a computer agenda called a word processor. Many population work in the entertainment industry. Camera operators use television and motion-picture cameras. They use them to make Tv shows and movies. Disc jockeys, or Djs, play records and Cds on the radio.

Scientists use all sorts of technology to study the Earth and the Universe. Businesses often have telephones, fax machines, and computers. Graphic designers use desktop publishing programs to originate books and magazines. Doctors often use curative technology. They use it to treat injuries, illnesses, and diseases such as cancer. Pilots fly airplanes and helicopters. Who knows what jobs will be created by new technologies in the future!

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