Medical Sonography - Save a Girl Child
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Let's save a girl child and stand against the genocide that is taking place in the society. Feticide is the most dastardly form of violence against women. Since the technology for sex measurement first came into being, sex selective abortion has unleashed a saga of nightmare in India. In fact nature intended the womb to be a safe space place for nurturing and grooming the foetus before the child could take birth. But today, doctors have made it the most unsafe space for the female child by unleashing the terror of feticide. Today a girl child is some times more likely to be eliminated before birth in India than die of assorted causes in the first year of her existence.
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Save a girl child: Sex measurement and sex selection
Although foetal sex measurement and sex selection is a criminal offence in India, the custom is rampant. Secret clinics with ultrasound machines and other latest technologies are doing brisk business. Everywhere, population are paying to know the sex of an unborn child and paying more to abort the female child. The technology has even reached remote areas of the country through facilities like movable clinics. population are getting sex measurement done even for the first child.
Save a Girl Child: Historical relationship and allinclusive discrimination against the girl child
Earlier when the technology was not available to know the sex of the foetus, the girl child used to be killed by putting a sand bag on her face or strangulating her or some poison used to be applied on the breasts of the mother. The irony was that neither mothers nor their house members used to express any kind of sorrow on the deaths of their baby daughters. Now the scenario has changed. With the help of new technologies one can no ifs ands or buts detect the sex of the foetus. So the custom of female infanticide has been replaced by female feticide.
Save a girl child: Discrimination against the girl child and women
Female feticide and infanticide is not the only issues with a girl child in India. no ifs ands or buts at every stage of life she is discriminated and neglected for basic nutrition, study and living standard. When she is in the womb, she is eliminated before she can enter the world. If by occasion she takes birth then at the time of birth her relatives pull her back and wrung her neck and after killing her she is thrown into a trash can. If she gets lucky to survive the early feticide and infanticide then her childhood is not more than a punishment with her brother getting all the attentiveness with new shoes, dresses and books to learn while she is gifted a broom, a wiper and lots of tears. In her teenage, she misses nutritious food to eat and gets only the left over crumbs. During the age when she should be in college she is hurriedly "married off" foremost to conditions where she remains ever dependent on others for her survival. She does not have whether communal or economic independence. Added her illiteracy, lack of study results in unwanted and early pregnancies, high fertility rate. This Added aggravates the allinclusive health of females in the country. Again if this female gives birth to a girl child, the whole journey cycle of murder and discrimination begins all over again.
Save a Girl Child: Culpability of the medical profession
As per some studies the commerce of ultrasound and sonography, sex-selection and female feticide is around 500 crores in India and this is run through small clinics, midwives, unregistered doctors and big hospitals. They guide the abortions very conspiratorially and many a times they come to be the intuit for the death of many women. Many Doctors are complicated in this allinclusive malpractice to make easy money. no ifs ands or buts it is a very profitable business. The machines have come to be cheaper, so even a new medical graduate can speedily set up a business. It may be illegal but it's very rare that in India medical council debars anyone for ethical malpractice.
Save a girl child: responsibility and responsibility of the medical profession
It is high time that now Doctors are made responsible and accountable. In fact they are the ones who had aggressively promoted the misuse of technology and legitimised feticide. They created a weapon of mass destruction. Worst of worst some Doctors feel that they are doing a great communal service and feel happy to furnish this service to parents desperate to have a son, in the trust that they are preventing the birth of an unwanted child.
Save a girl child: The oblique way of sex determination
Today when the laws are getting stricter the method of revealing the sex is becoming more oblique. Now whether the physician will hand out blue or pink candy to the house members as they leave or make a remark During the examination by saying something like "Your child will be a fighter" or "The baby is like a doll." It is a clear fact that since the implementation of the legislation has taken place, the business has gone underground. The proof is the ever increasing amount of feticide around the country especially in north India.
Save a girl child: Under-the-table fee for sex determination
Now the Doctors who disclose the sex expect an under-the-table fee for breaking the law, ranging from a few hundred rupees in poorer areas to some thousand in more successful regions. The plain and uncomplicated truth is that the medical fraternity has not been sufficiently regulated in India and there is no adequate prophylactic or awareness even among the medical fraternity which can prevent these malpractices from taking place in the first instance.
Save a Girl Child: The Actual question in terms of figures
Let's now look at the figures which speak the truth for itself. According to the last lawful census figures, India with its nationwide ratio of 933 women for 1,000 men had a deficit of 35 million women when it entered the new millennium. Experts are calling it "sanitised barbarism". Un figures tell that about 750,000 girls are aborted every year in India. It as genocide: "More than 6 million killed in 20 years. That's the amount of Jews killed in the Holocaust."
Save a girl child: Abortion of a million foetus in a year
Demographic trends indicate India is fast heading towards a million female foetuses aborted each year. In India, if the 1991 Census showed that two districts had a child sex ratio (number of girls per thousand boys) less than 850; by 2001 it was 51 districts. The irony is that the nation of so called goddess and mothers still follows a culture where population idolize the birth of son and mourn the birth of daughters.
Save a girl child: wage level directly proportional to sex selective abortion
Ironically, as wage levels are increasing, sex measurement and sex selection is increasing all over India. The most influential and affluent pockets have the worst sex ratios. Take Punjab for instance - 793 girls for every 1,000 boys against the national form of 927. Or South Delhi - one of the most affluent localities of the Capital - 760. In many regions of Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan; the sex ratio of girls for every 1000 boys was mere 745 or 754 or at 779 respectively. Based on the amount of births in Delhi every year and the sex ratio across the capital - 814 girls for every 1,000 boys about 24,000 female fetuses are aborted in the capital every year, and about one million across the country.
Save a girl child: Warning of unexpected communal problems in the near future
Abortion rates are increasing in practically 80% of the Indian states and especially in Punjab and Haryana. These two states have the highest amount of abortions every year. Unicef has warned that unless steps are taken to address the question across the country, India will soon face unexpected communal problems like men unable to find brides, gaps in the work force and increased trafficking of women.
Save a girl child: Answering ethical questions
The other side of the coin is the issue that attempts to regulate women right to abortion inevitably raise delicate ethical questions, but for a contrary like India this is not a pro-choice or pro-life issue. "Equality is a basic right," but where is the gender equality when one million girl fetuses are destroyed every year before birth itself. Therefore we need to understand the fact that our situation is no ifs ands or buts alarming and phenomenal and preventing this discrimination takes precedence over arguments about women reproductive rights.
Save a girl child: The taboo surrounding sex selective abortion
One more major question is that despite the prevalence of the ghastly and inhuman phenomenon, the decision to abort a female fetus remains a taboo, and it is difficult to persuade women to talk about the issue. If women themselves come to be party to the question then how can we ever think about finding the solution?
Save a Girl Child: Misuse of technology
The communal evil of discrimination and marginalization of women and killing of girl child is ironically deep rooted in Indian ethos and the most shocking fact is that the innovative and hard high end technologies have no ifs ands or buts helped in the brutal killing of the Indian girl child. Earlier it was infanticide. Now it is easier with feticide with technology at the helping end. Innovative techniques, like biopsy, ultrasound, scan tests and amniocentesis, devised to detect genetic abnormalities, are extremely misused by amount of families to detect gender of the unborn child. These clinical tests are extremely contributing to the rise in genocide of the unborn girl child.
Save a girl child: The technology as the devil
In patriarchal States like Rajasthan where infanticide has existed for centuries, this new technology has many takers as it is easy and secretive. There are far less questions to be answered when you abort a girl child rather than kill a baby girl. Today, population pretend overtly that they are contemporary and that they do not discriminate between a girl and a boy. But when the actual situation arises they do not hesitate to quietly go to the next settlement and get an ultrasound done and even abort the girl child. Here the technology has come to be the uncontrolled beast and demon rather than the angel.
Save a Girl Child: connected & connected issues
Apart from the means of killing of the girl child "feticide" is also one of the most common causes of maternal mortality. Law permits that the she sex of the foetus can be only considered around 14-16 weeks. Because of this most of the sex selective abortions are planned late and this leads to a very high occasion of maternal mortality. whether way the woman suffers.
Save a girl child: Feticide a indication of illness of a larger problem
We must understand the fact that in fact Feticide is a indication of illness of larger and wider question connected to marginalization and discrimination against women through assorted social, cultural and economic bias and practices. Feticide is connected to issues as assorted as privatisation of medical study and dowry. For example Karnataka is a state in India with the highest amount of Secret medical colleges. Here healthcare has turned into a commodity without proper regulation and control foremost to frightful consequences like illegal abortions and feticide.
Save a girl child: Affluent farmers and feticide
Another ironical phenomenon is that wherever agricultural green revolution has happened with resultant increase in wage among farmers, feticide has increased. The relationship is simple. With more landholdings and wealth heritage the dowry demands has increased and therefore birth of a daughter is considered as an economic liability. Today, population don't even want their daughters to study higher as a well-educated groom is likely to examine more dowry.
Save a girl child: Male child selection in nuclear families
Even the creation of small and nuclear families have come at the cost of the girl child. Parents who are opting for one child are most likely to go for a male child rather than a female child.
Save a girl child: examine Vs. furnish debate
Another issue that has been put forward by the medical community to absolve their own culpability in this whole malpractice is the examine and furnish debate. Doctors say there is a communal examine and they are only fulfilling it. They argue that communal attitudes must change. However they are ignoring the fact that in this case furnish fuels demand. The easier the technology is available the more likely is the occasion of abortion and feticide.
Save a girl child: Tougher regulation and control
There is no selection other than tougher regulation and control of the "technology and the medical practice" as technology in the hands of greedy, vested interests cannot be neutral. There is a law in place to prevent misuse of the technology and it must be enforced strongly. On the other hand the clarification for curbing the increase of feticide can only work through increasing awareness and allinclusive empowerment of women in every aspect.
Save a girl child: Need for female youth icons and role models
Women participation in workforce, having disposable incomes and their manufacture a gift to larger community will make a variation to how women are seen in the society. Female youth icons and role models are certainly manufacture an impact in changing the allinclusive perception of the community which has been extremely discriminatory till now.
Save a girl child: Laws against violence and discrimination of women
Other issues which are attached to the allinclusive discrimination and marginalization of women consist of the laws for violence against women such as dowry, domestic violence, rape which are directly in the control of a largely inefficient and corrupt police force which in fact is biased against women with its colonial hangover and resultant arrival of doing things. In any case of violence and discrimination against women the whole onus and burden of the case is always put on the women involved.
Save a girl child: Urgent need for police reforms
It's high time that police reforms take place and the country gets a contemporary police force which is more sensitive to the issues of the community rather than the current one which exists to please the whims and the fancies of their political masters. Today even though good and tough laws exist still the offenders get away with ease. Just like many other laws of the country the law preventing sex measurement and sex selection exits but compulsion is a big examine mark.
Save a girl child: Myths to be shattered
Another myth that needs to be shattered is that feticide exists among illiterate and less affluent of the society. According to a explore there is a 28.32 % increase in the amount gainfully employed and working women in India in the last two decades. But at the same time, what is more shameful and ironical is that there is a subsequent increase in the amount of fertilization terminations or abortions by working women.
Save a girl child: Abortions by working women
The reasons stated behind the custom of abortions by working women are: They want a small family; they want better career prospects; they want a male child and they do not want daughters. Many of these women elucidate sex selection and abortions because they think that if they deliver a baby boy then they are looked upon in the family. Also, they do not want their daughters to suffer the hardships a girl has to face. Besides that they find themselves unable to afford the dowry expenses the parents of a girl child have to bear. "Since maintaining the high living standards has come to be so expensive, who will save for her?" say contemporary mothers. These are the 'serious' reasons these literate and contemporary women give for not giving birth to a girl child. But they are forgetting that had their mothers idea the same way, they would have also met the same fate.
Save a girl child: The bane of consumer culture
Further the whole question is just an prolongation of our consumer culture. If someone can afford to buy a Mercedes, they feel they can afford to obtain themselves a son also. If they can pay for an ultrasound, then they don't need to have a daughter - that's the logic.
Save a girl child: Outdated communal practices and their consequences
Dowry is a big issue for the urban elite because the amount which population are imaginable to pay as dowry is phenomenal and ridiculous. Over that is the cost of the obscenely extravagant Indian weddings. Aside from the costs of dowries and marriages, there are other reasons why daughters are seen as less desirable like there is normal trust that sons will look after their old parents and daughters are anyway to go to a separate household and are therefore of not much use in the long run. The communal and cultural settings are negatively biased against women. After marriage, a woman traditionally lives with the house of the husband, leaving her own parents to be looked after by a son, if there is one, in their old age. Sons carry on the house name and often the business, ordinarily inherit the asset and achieve the last rites. All these conduce towards a negative bias against the girl child even before she takes birth.
Save a girl child: The misconception that poverty leads to feticide
From the above pathology we can clearly see that it's a misconception to think that this is a question connected to extreme poverty. It's quite rampant in upper and middle class families. Female feticide is very high in Punjab and Haryana - some of the best-off states in the country. Even money has not brought attitudinal change. In fact more money has led to aggravation of the whole problem. The mind-set remains - girls are not important, girls are a burden, and sons are more useful. With new lifestyle culture in India, when population are rich they want to spend their money on things, not on dowries or marriages for their daughters. So we can see that how communal and cultural practices like dowry and extravagant marriages are in fact contributing to the allinclusive menace of female abortion and feticide.
Save a Girl Child: Law against feticide and Implementation of the law
After practically a decade of delays, the Prohibition of Sex selection Act came into force in February 2003, aimed at preventing the use of ultrasound examinations for sex determination. Any someone including pregnant women who seek help for sex selection could be sentenced to a three-year prison sentence and fined 50,000 rupees, or ,200, while If any physician is found guilty of this malpractice, he can face suspension of his registration by the state medical council.
Save a girl child: The Act that was passed in 2003
Pre-conception and pre-natal diagnostics techniques (prohibition and sex selection) Act, which came into succeed on 14th February 2003, was as a change of the pre-natal diagnostic techniques (regulation and misuse amendment) Act 2002, that said any kind of sex selection in pre or post fertilization is prohibited.
Save a girl child: Creating acts and laws not adequate to deal with the problem
But these acts seem not to be casting much succeed on the dark shades of human deeds. No case has come to court, and campaigners against the custom of prenatal sex measurement complain that the legislation is impossible to enforce. Law is very well conceived and the need of the hour is legal literacy to ensure the law is implemented. Here the role and competence of the law compulsion agencies is a big examine mark? In spite of all the stringent laws framed to curb the female feticide, the custom continues. The declining sex ratio between boys and girls poses a serious threat to the very existence of a balanced communal order in India.
Save a Girl Child: Sensitization of the society
There is a need to sensitize the Indian community about the sex selection tests and the impending gender crisis. There is a need to advocate to the community about greater gender equality. increase awareness about the Pre-Natal Diagnostic Act (Pndt), 1994 as well as its modern amendment passed by the Parliament that bans any form of sex selection tests is needed.
Save a girl child: Awareness in the society
Society has to be sensitized about the pitiable state of women in the Indian community of which selective sex abortion of the female foetus is one of the indicators apart from increasing incidences of violence and trafficking.
Save a girl child: Implementation of the law
Law needs to be strictly implemented and we need to increase yielding amongst the maternity homes, nursing homes, ultra-sound clinics, radiologists for registering their ultra-sound machines under the Pndt Act. medical community has to be sensitized about the ethics of medical profession and the role they ought to be playing in improving the population accident as well as sex-ratios in the country. It's also time to have a stricter and tougher regulation of the medical custom in India.
Save a girl child: Changing the attitude
There is a need to build a dialogue amongst the stakeholders as well as track inter-generational convert amongst the women through assorted generations. Achievements of the successful women from separate strata of the community as well as from separate walks of life need to be highlighted to convert the attitude of the community against women.
Save a Girl Child: end comments
There needs to be allinclusive descriptive contempt and anger in community against the "genocide" against women. Today nobody can say female feticide is not their question when more than one million girl foetuses are been selectively destroyed every year in the country. It's high time we all did our bit to help save the girl child as time is no ifs ands or buts running out for the girl child in India. The disastrous consequences of what is happening today will be felt in an additional one 10-20 years time. Therefore to prevent a horrible hereafter the need of the hour is to perceive our responsibilities and give a halt to this evil crime of killing the girl child in the womb itself. A considered drive can begin a spark to light the lamp and show the world that we no ifs ands or buts are the land of the great goddesses and mothers.
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